
Showing posts from June, 2011


Matchless Originally uploaded by knittingkim I finally have it. Well, actually I've had it for over a month, but I had to play with it for awhile. It's interesting, I thought I was a pretty decent spinner until I got my new wheel. Wow, take about an F on the first take out. I have finally learned the ins and outs of double drive, and plying on it. Now I just need to name it. More to come.

Weaving Update

No pics because I'm a dumb ass that can't remember to do pics before the gifting begins. I wove two bread cloth covers using a variegated brown for one and a blue for the other. I think these may become the stable for wedding shower gifts. They are quick, easy, and cheap to do, but a nice gift that is really usable. I also made a scarf out of a a linen/bamboo mix in a deep hot pink and a yarn called Little Flowers in a sparkly variegated tones of reds, pinks, and orange used to add a little flash. I wanted to make another of these for myself. Hopefully, pictures of that one.